elizabeth prillaman

custom pet portraits

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hand painted, with love.

my portraits are hand painted in oils, and go beyond just recreating a photo. the joy that our pets bring to our lives is indescribable. try as we might to get a photo that catches the way the light hits our pets’ eyes, there is always a bit more to be said. in a painting you can capture the atmosphere of love and those indescribable joys that a pet brings you or a loved one.

it would be my honor to capture the spirit of your beloved pet with a portrait that can carry their love across generations. you can use the contact form on this site to get in touch with me about commissioning a piece.

if you want to learn more see my photo taking guide and get a peek behind the curtain to see my portrait painting process.




examples of my work, all lovingly painted for my clients to honor their best friends.


starting at $275 for a wood canvas 8×10
starting at $350 for a wood panel 11×14
starting at $450 for a wood panel 12×16

additional subject $200
available on 11×14 and up
background pricing on request


get in touch, share your vision for the portrait & attach photos.

please include details about your pet for me to consider while planning the portrait


view organizations to whom portraits have been donated or reach out regarding a donation of a portrait for your 501(c)3


not sure what photo to use? consult my photo taking guide to see which photos make the best portraits plus tips to help you take them.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.